January 2, 2014

Boosting the Minimum Wage: The Economic Stimulus That Isn’t

The labor union-backed Economic Policy Institute recently released an update of their earlier “analysis” on a $10.10 minimum wage. EcPI’s analysts have scaled their earlier claim of $32 billion in stimulus back by a cool $10 billion or so, but — in their view — a nearly 40 percent…
December 13, 2013

President Obama’s “Famous” Words on the Minimum Wage

In a recent speech on income inequality, President Obama claimed “there’s no solid evidence that a higher minimum wage costs jobs.” However, the president’s statement is plainly contradicted by the evidence. Even the Washington Post – itself no opponent of a higher minimum wage – gave his statement “Two Pinocchios” for…
December 5, 2013

The Cost of $15: Nearly A Half-Million Jobs

On Thursday, labor union-backed protesters will “strike” at over 100 fast food restaurants around the country–the third such coordinated national action this year. The Employment Policies Institute has taken out a series of full page ads in USA Today and The Wall Street Journal, warning that a $15 minimum wage would force employers…
November 11, 2013

The Facts on a $10.10 Minimum Wage

Eager to change the conversation from the disastrous roll-out of the healthcare law, Senate Democrats and President Obama have rallied behind a proposal to create a $10.10 minimum wage—a nearly 40 percent increase over the current $7.25. (The proposal would also raise the minimum wage for tipped employees by over…
News April 25, 2013

CostCo Doesn’t Speak for All Businesses on the Minimum Wage

In support of a higher minimum wage, advocates typically point to a handful of business owners who voice ideological support for the policy. Take Costco, for instance, whose CEO has voiced strong support for raising the federal minimum wage. Why do these few businesses support raising the minimum wage…
News March 21, 2013

Get the Facts: $10.10 is a Dead End

Proposals before Congress to increase the minimum wage by 39 percent to $10.10 will do little to reduce poverty while being actively harmful to the entry-level job market. Here are the facts on a $10.10 minimum wage. Click here to view a PDF version of the document.
May 21, 2012

New Analysis: $10 Minimum Wage in San Jose Bad for the City’s Jobseekers

Today, the Employment Policies Institute (EPI) released a new analysis assessing the impact of a proposed ballot initiative to raise the minimum wage in the City of San Jose to $10 an hour and index it for inflation. The City Council will hear testimony on the initiative tomorrow, May 22nd,…