May 21, 2012

New Analysis: $10 Minimum Wage in San Jose Bad for the City’s Jobseekers

Today, the Employment Policies Institute (EPI) released a new analysis assessing the impact of a proposed ballot initiative to raise the minimum wage in the City of San Jose to $10 an hour and index it for inflation. The City Council will hear testimony on the initiative tomorrow, May 22nd,…
News May 18, 2012

New Analysis: Teen Unemployment Up in 17 States and DC, Down in 32 States

As teens begin their search for summer employment, an analysis of newly-released Census Bureau data by the Employment Policies Institute (EPI) shows teen unemployment rose in 17 states and DC between April 2011 and April 2012, and fell in 32 states. It was unchanged in one state. Teen jobless rates still average above 20 percent…
News May 9, 2012

Eliminating the Tipped Wage Rate a Bad Deal for Illinois Restaurant Employees

Today, the Employment Policies Institute (EPI) released a new analysis of Illinois S. 1565, a bill introduced by Sen. Kimberly Lightford, which raises the state minimum wage and eliminates the separate rate for employees who earn tip income. The wage for tipped employees would rise from $4.95 to $8.90 an…
News April 24, 2012

Minimum Wage Employees Aren’t Working 20 Hours a Day to Afford Rent

You’ve probably seen this chart. Perhaps you shared it on Facebook. Taken literally, the chart means that—in a state like New York—people who earn the minimum wage are working almost 20 hours a day, seven days a week, just to put a roof over their head. In the…
News April 16, 2012

New Analysis: New York Wage Increase Unlikely to Reduce Poverty

Today, the Employment Policies Institute (EPI) released a new analysis assessing the impact on poverty of Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver’s proposed minimum wage increase (A.9148). The bill would raise New York’s minimum wage from $7.25 to $8.50 per hour and index the wage to rise with inflation in subsequent…
News March 19, 2012

Teen unemployment high, Georgia rate well above national average

By: Gracie Shepard It’s time for teenagers to begin the search for summer jobs, but according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics it won’t be easy to find one. (…) EPI research fellow Mike Saltsman said there are several factors that contribute to a dearth of available positions for young…
News March 9, 2012

Raising CT’s Minimum Wage Won’t Reduce Poverty

By: Lee Howard  An analysis released Wednesday indicates that a rise in Connecticut’s minimum wage would not significantly reduce the state’s poverty rate. The analysis by the Employment Policies Institute…said the average family income of an employee affected by a minimum wage hike is more than $80,000 a…
News March 9, 2012

Wage Hikes Won’t Boost the Economy

By: Joseph Sabia, San Diego State University Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver has introduced a bill that would add New York to the list of states whose minimum wage rises with inflation each year. His proposal follows last year’s New York City-specific plan to create a “living wage”…
News March 9, 2012

Maximum Damage

Assembly Speaker Shelly Silver is pushing for a whopping 17 percent hike in New York’s minimum wage, to $8.50 an hour. How out of touch with reality is that? If Albany moves ahead with such a plan, it will wreak substantial damage on the state’s teetering economy, hurting most the…
Research March 5, 2012

Tip Credits and Employment

This study by economists William Even at Miami University and David Macpherson at Trinity University uses two different government datasets to examine the impact of states reducing or eliminating their tip credit—a part of labor law that allows tipped employees to be paid a lower cash wage as long as they earn at least the minimum when tips are included.