July 8, 2022

Nebraska’s $15 Wage Ballot Measure Would Cost 18,600 Jobs, $787M

Since Congress has heeded the warnings of the job-killing effects of a federal $15 minimum wage, unions and other activists are pushing the “Fight for $15” agenda at the state level. The latest target is Nebraska, where activists have submitted signatures to certify a measure that would raise the…
June 24, 2022

Preview: New Study Shows Raising Tipped Wages Causes Jobs, Earnings Decline

The Restaurant Opportunities Center (ROC)’s nonprofit One Fair Wage has ramped up activity pressuring restaurants and lawmakers across the country to stop using tip credits and instead push for a flat minimum wage for traditionally-tipped restaurant employees. Nationwide, the full-service restaurant industry has already been battered as states and…
June 17, 2022

July 1 Will Bring Another Wave of Wage Hikes Across the Country

While many states institute minimum wage increases in the beginning of the year, many introduce hikes mid-year too, many of them adjustments according to inflation. Looking ahead, November could also usher in several new state and local minimum wage mandates as ballot measures ask voters about higher wages. On July…
June 10, 2022

Misleading NY Wage Study Omits Job Loss Consequences from Wage Hike Bill

Rallies and events led by union-backed One Fair Wage, a subsidiary of the anti-tip credit advocacy group Restaurant Opportunities Center, have recently ramped up to try to convince lawmakers to end the tip credit in New York state. Even with proposals to raise tipped wages…
June 3, 2022

Even Pushed Back, A $15 Wage in Michigan Will Slash Jobs, Earnings

This week, organizers of the Raise the Wage MI proposal to increase the state’s minimum wage to $15 by 2027 and eliminate the tip credit failed to clear the signature requirement to move the ballot measure closer to voters in November. Instead, One Fair Wage, the nonprofit associated with…
May 27, 2022

Restaurants’ inflation problem means tipped wage hikes will cause more pain, not less

Inflation is still soaring after hitting a four-decade-high earlier this year, and causing problems all around for restaurants trying to bounce back after the pandemic. Activists’ demands to raise tipped minimum wages and eliminate tip credits across the country would exacerbate these issues. While operation costs such as food,…
May 20, 2022

Too Good to be True: Economists Confirm Minimum Wages Hikes Cause Significant Employment Loss

Despite the bulk of economic evidence pointing to significant job losses as the result of minimum wage hikes, lawmakers in favor of raising minimum wages to $15 per hour and beyond have clung to one study in particular claiming minimum wage hikes don’t negatively affect employment. Now, economists reevaluating…
May 13, 2022

Democrats’ Productivity Argument for Raising Minimum Wage Mandates Just Got A Reality Check

Surrounded by a multitude of evidence that raising the federal minimum wage to $15 is an irresponsible, job-killing idea, some politicians seem to hold onto any argument they can find in favor of dramatic wage increases. One such idea is the federal minimum wage should be tied to labor productivity…
May 6, 2022

Other states shouldn’t follow Hawaii’s $18 example

As state legislative sessions wrap up and ballot measures are shaping up for the fall, it’s becoming increasingly clear that a $15 per hour wage target is old news for unions and activists. Now, states are moving toward more extreme wage hikes: Hawaii’s legislature just approved an $18 per…
April 29, 2022

Survey: Majority of Economists Believe $15 Wage is Too High

A new survey by Carnegie Mellon University professor Lloyd Corder for the Employment Policies Institute found a significant majority of responding economists oppose raising the federal minimum wage to $15 per hour. In fact, a plurality (43%) agreed the wage should be the current federal rate of $7.25 per hour…