February 12, 2021

CBO Analysis Find $15 Wage Would Kill 1.4M Jobs, Punish Young and Less-Educated

This week, the Congressional Budget Office released a report detailing the impacts of enacting Democrats’ $15 minimum wage proposal. The report reveals the devastating impacts of enacting this wage hike: the CBO’s average estimate predicts the nation would lose 1.4 million jobs as a result, but losses could reach…
February 4, 2021

Historically, Minimum Wage Hikes Don’t Save Taxpayer Money

Fight for $15 advocates have recently turned to arguments that raising the minimum wage reduces reliance on means-tested welfare programs, and therefore reduces government spending. However, past minimum wage hikes demonstrate that there is no evidence to suggest this is true. Summarized in the…
January 28, 2021

What’s the Word on the $15 Wage Proposal?

Since the official introduction of the House’s Raise the Wage Act of 2021, there has been a flurry of activity surrounding the process to enact a federal $15 minimum wage mandate, and which lawmakers really endorse taking immediate action. Lawmakers on both sides of the aisle have voiced skepticism about…
January 22, 2021

Don’t Call it Relief: Small Businesses, Restaurants will Be Negatively Impacted by $15

Concerns have mounted over Biden’s announcement of his plan to push through a national minimum wage increase to $15 and scrap the tip credit, considering the plight of small businesses, particularly restaurants and bars, due to the pandemic. Yet, raising the national minimum wage seems to be…
January 15, 2021

Senate Democrats: Beware of the $15 Minimum Wage

Yesterday, President-elect Biden announced his plan to raise the minimum wage to $15 nationally as part of his pandemic relief bill. Biden called on Congress to act quickly, citing his desire to help the economy recover from job loss caused by coronavirus. But Senators should be wary – more-than-doubling…
December 24, 2020

Scamming Investors on the Tipped Minimum Wage

Earlier this month, social justice investing firm Adasina Social Capital released a letter pressuring companies to end their use of the tip credit, citing flawed claims from the Restaurant Opportunities Center’s non-profit One Fair Wage (OFW) and co-founder Saru Jayaraman. They also teamed up with One Fair Wage earlier this…
December 18, 2020

80 States and Localities Will See Minimum Wage Hikes in 2021

The year 2020 has been a trying time for all, but especially for America’s workers and businesses. The pandemic’s aftermath has left businesses with steep revenue losses, and forced them to make difficult decisions to lay off employees or close their shops altogether. As the New Year approaches, businesses will…
December 4, 2020

One “Unfair” Wage Study From ROC-linked Labor Group

The Restaurant Opportunities Center (ROC) and its sister non-profit, One Fair Wage (OFW), have a track record of flawed research which baselessly connects the tipping system to sexual harassment of tipped workers. A OFW study released Tuesday continues to spread this misinformation. First, the methodology of this new study…
November 25, 2020

This Small Business Saturday, Say No to $15

Do you love your small local businesses? With the holiday season approaching, now is the best time to support them. The best gift you can give them and their workers? Help them stay afloat by opposing a national $15 minimum wage. There’s a lot of good data on why $15…
November 19, 2020

Raising Prices Won’t Help Struggling Restaurants to Absorb $15 Wage Hikes

Last week, the New York Times reported that in the wake of Biden’s election, food service companies are bracing for a $15 national minimum wage. Biden ran on a minimum wage platform mirroring the Raise the Wage Act, a House-approved proposal that would raise the minimum wage to $15…